Wet Dream Definition
Often interchanged, a sex dream and a wet dream can often be confused as one and the same.
For the sake of cohesiveness, we’re going to refer to the term ‘wet dream’ as something that happens when you wake up feeling aroused or as if you’ve had a sleep orgasm. The reason for this distinction is that erotic dreams can be quite a broad topic in the dream meanings conversation, and it may be a topic we flesh out later on.
So if you’ve woken up from sleep orgasms or felt a little more wet than usual, then this is the place for you.
The Science of Wet Dreams
Ignore what you’ve heard before about wet dreams. Here’s the science from medically reviewed and peer reviewed studies, from a resident dream doctor – aka researched by me.
No, your sleep position doesn’t matter. Yes, they are more frequent in puberty. Yes, boys do leak semen and girls can cum. Yes, the formal name is nocturnal emission.
Where do wet dreams come from? Well, no one actually knows the cause of wet dreams. Some wonder if there is a link between visuals seen before bed. Whereas other wonder if there’s a difference made if you’ve engaged with masturbation prior to bed. But no one really knows. Ultimately, what you get up to at night is up to you.
We do know that wet dreams happen during REM sleep. When you’re in REM sleep, your breathing and heart rates increase which increases blood flow throughout the body – including your genitals. Not quite the manual stimulation we typically need. Men and women reported waking up during this stage sometimes, while others will sleep through.
Since there’s no definitive answer and there’s zero impact on your health, we say, enjoy it.
The Different Types of Wet Dreams that May be Experienced
Did You Dream About… a Wet Dream?
A fairly meta-conversation to be having, but to experience dreaming about having a wet dream does happen.
Having frequent wet dreams or dreaming about them can be linked to your sexual arousal. If you haven’t had sex recently, it might be your body’s way of telling you that there’s an itch to scratch.
Or perhaps you’re looking for some human intimacy? Either way, if it’s becoming a problem for you, either make sure you’re getting enough action or seek a healthcare professional.
Did You Dream About… Masturbation?
If you dreamt about masturbating and it ended up as a wet dream, then this may suggest there are things that you aren’t expressing.
Do you have anxieties or worries about something? Survey how you express yourself in your daily living, it might be that these anxieties come through as physical ailments lik the stomach, for example.
If these aren’t issues you can find a clear cause of, then perhaps take your health seriously and go to the doctor? Finding a treatment to help with your worries will help any health conditions and should stop wet dreams.
Did You Dream About… Ejaculation?
If you have a wet dream of seeing your sperm, ejaculating, or there being a finish, then this may suggest that you also need an orgasm.
So men and women, release the semen and stimulate yourself!
If that doesn’t help, then is there a block somewhere in your world? Most people may struggle to discuss their problems clear to the person in their life. Try explaining how you’re feeling. There might be a sense of finality to the relationship, but perhaps it’s time to let the person go and focus on other things.
Did You Dream About… a Sexual Partner?
If you had wet dreams about your current sexual partner, then coungratulations.
This typically suggests that your sleeping body is attuned to this person and that there’s an emotional connection between the two of you.
This dream typically is a sign of an appreciation and trust to the person. If not emotionally, then defineitely a connection to the body. You’ll definitely be happy to be in your underwear with this person. Let’s just make sure you’re both consenting adults – keep it sane, sexy, and safe, people!
Did You Dream About… Sex with an Ex?
How often wet dreams creep up can be different from person to person, boys to girls, and varies as adults.
However, when we’re asleep and a dream about our ex begins to occur, what is normal tends to be forgetten. Essentially, wet dreams about your ex suggest some unprocessed feelings.
It can be confusing and we get if you want to stop wet dreams like this.
However, consider the things you like about your ex. It doesn’t mean you want to be with them, but it might be a sign that there are traits you’d like to find in another male or female.
Dreams About Wet Could Make You Feel…
Positive Dreams
Lust: To feel lust from wet dreams is exicting, especially if you’re a woman. Not everyone gets to reach climax as easy as men and boys do, so for women to feel lust from sexual dreams is a great thing and should be a more common experience. Make sure you’re having enough sex as an orgasm is great for your health and will help you sleep soundly.
Excitement: There is a lot of stigma around wet dreams. Some people think that wet dreams are negative or that wet dreams tend to happen to people who are promiscious. But wet dreams are natural and everyone has desires, they’re a normal part of life. Embrace the way you feel when your sleeping, and put your erotic dreams into safe experiences in your reality.
Negative Dreams
Puberty: Going through puberty isn’t easy for anyone. But it’s especially hard going through your teenage years and with rising hormone levels, it can be difficult to handle the frequency of wet dreams. However, remember, that these dream experiences are completely normal. So next time you wake up with vaginal wetness or you start releasing sperm, don’t feel bad; it’s natural.
Confusion: Teenage boys and girls may feel naturally confused if they wake up wet or covered in fluid containing sperm. Regardless of why the wet dreams happen, you need to remmeber that it’s okay. You don’t need to be confused as to why it’s happen, it’s often just because your body is developing more sex hormones. And if you’re an adult, then perhaps delve deeper into your sexual activity and the things that you’ve watched recently that may impact a sexual dream.
A Bit of Context Into… Dreams About Wet Dreams
The Spiritual Meaning
Spiritually, wet dreams are associated with a sense of adventure.
Even in sleep, you live in your own world. Whether that is through being about to release sperm, orgasm, or you’re becoming a new person. There might be a new change coming into your reality. You might have seen this person at night, so do your best to use your sex dreams and embody the more confident aspects.
The Religious Meaning
While there is not much of a link between wet dreams and religion, if you are religious, make sure you don’t feel guilt for experiencing wet dreams.
They are an uncontrollable response and wet dreams are completely human. You haven’t defiled the male or female body by feeling arousing – and it isn’t your fault for experiencing nocturnal emissions (wet dreams).
The Psychological Meaning
Carl Jung argued that wet dreams aren’t about sex, and isntead, are about conflict.
It could be suggested that these dreams occur as the battle of the self. This is especially true if you feel as though you’re repressed in your reality. If your wet dreams offer respite, when enjoy it and work at recreating the same sense of freedom in a safe way.
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